探索频道纪录片《了解宇宙是如何运行的/宇宙有道理》剧集目录: 第一季(2010) 01-大爆炸Big Bang 02-黑洞Black Holes 03-星系Galaxies 04-恒星Stars 05-超新星Supernovas 06-行星Planets 07-太阳系Solar Systems 08-卫星Moons [1] 第二季(2012) 01-生命的熔炉Volcanoes - The Furnaces of Life 02-创造之风Megastorms - The Winds of Creation 03-地狱星球Exoplanets - Planets from Hell 04-宇宙大爆发Megaflares - Cosmic Firestorms 05-轨道与创造Extreme Orbits - Clockwork and Creation 06-冰冻漫游者Comets - Frozen Wanderers 07-前所未有的世界Asteroids - Worlds That Never Were 08-地球诞生Birth of the Earth [1] 第三季(2014) 01-太阳系中心的旅程Journey From the Center of the Sun 02-宇宙的终结End of the Universe 03-木星:驱逐者还是救星?Jupiter: Destroyer Or Savior? 04-大爆炸的第一秒First Second Of the Big Bang 05-土星还活着吗?Is Saturn Alive? 06-大规模灭绝武器Weapons Of Mass Extinction 07-黑洞创造了银河系?Did a Black Hole Build the Milky Way? 08-宇宙中我们的旅程Our Voyage to the Stars 09-第二地球The Search For the Second Earth 第四季(2015) 01-你的座驾是如何被宇宙创造的How the Universe Built Your Car 02-地球:金星邪恶的双胞胎Earth: Venus's Evil Twin 03-怪物黑洞Monster Black Hole 04-太阳系的边缘Edge of the Solar System 05-生命的曙光Dawn of Life 06-月球的秘密历史Secret History of the Moon 07-第一海洋The First Oceans 08-质量建设军队Forces of Mass Construction 第五季(2016-17) 01-最惊人的发现Most Amazing Discoveries 02-9号行星之谜Mystery of Planet 9 03-黑洞:秘密的起源Black Holes: The Secret Origin 04-冥王星的秘密历史Black Holes: The Secret Origin 05-星之死亡Stars That Kill 06-宇宙中最致命的物质The Universe's Deadliest 07-红色星球上的生与死Life and Death on the Red Planet 08-暗物质之谜The Dark Matter Enigma 09-奇怪的外星世界Strangest Alien Worlds 第六季(2018) 01-黑洞是真的吗?Are Black Holes Real? 02-孪生太阳:外星人之谜Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries 03-太阳系黑暗史Dark History of the Solar System 04-银河系之死Death of the Milky Way 05-天王星与海王星:冰巨人的崛起Uranus and Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants 06-水星的秘密历史Secret History of Mercury 07-类星体之谜The Quasar Enigma 08-矮行星的奇异生命Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets 09-小行星之战War on Asteroids 10-时空之谜Mystery of Spacetime 第七季(2019) 01-中子星的噩梦Nightmares of Neutron Stars 02-超新星爆发When Supernovas Strike 03-星际之谜The Interstellar Mysteries 04-黑洞如何造就我们How Black Holes Made Us 05-星云的秘密世界Secret World of Nebulas 06-大爆炸真的发生了吗?Did the Big Bang Really Happen? 07-黑暗宇宙战场Battle of the Dark Universe 08-寻找外星生命Hunt for Alien Life 09-发现新地球Finding The New Earth 10-卡西尼的终极秘密Cassini's Final Secrets