建筑学纪录片《贝聿铭的光影传奇 伊 斯兰博物馆 Learning from Light: The Vision of I.M. Pei》中字 720P高清

建筑学纪录片《贝聿铭的光影传奇 伊 斯兰博物馆 Learning from Light: The Vision of I.M. Pei》中字 720P高清 传记实录

艺术博物馆占地4万5平方,简洁的白色石灰石,以几何式的方式叠加成风格建筑,中央的穹顶连接起不同的空间,古朴且自然。博物馆内收集并保存了来自世界各地的各种当地艺术品,它们来自三大洲,横跨了7世纪到19世纪的时间长河。为了表现伊斯 兰建筑的本质,贝聿铭在中东考察了好几个月,研读**的理论,亲自到埃及,突尼斯等地采风。由于担心这个博物馆会被周围环境所淹没,他请求卡塔尔的王储为其建立一个独立的岛。博物馆内部还有图书馆、餐厅等功能空间,在其盛大的开馆仪式上,还请来了中国著名音乐家马友友表演。

建筑学纪录片《贝聿铭的光影传奇 伊 斯兰博物馆 Learning from Light: The Vision of I.M. Pei》中字 720P高清 传记实录

1. 每当我来到这里,每次都会为给人们带来这么多问题而感到遗憾。如果我有定期来这里的机会,也许问题就不会那么多了。很多问题是因为没有预料到而产生的。但这就是建筑师的生活。
2. 假设让我回到25年前,在做这样的建筑时,好的,我做到了! 当这个过程完成后,是的,我将会期待另一种体验。一些别的地方。世界的另一部分。这就是我所做的。我喜欢不在一个地方做建筑。我的建筑都在各地。我选择这个是因为我喜欢这个。我喜欢学习一个新的地方。我学习我喜欢阅读有关地方的历史。我学习我喜欢学习文化、传统和历史。这就是建筑学对我来说。我不再期待太多,原因很简单。别忘了我已经92岁了。我不认为我应该再感到悲伤,因为我认为我不能再做得更好了。你看,你必须在某种程度上知道,时间是做事情的权利,时间是不做任何事情的权利。不知何故,我感到我不应该再做太多的事情。这就是它的悲哀之处。虽然,好的感觉是我已经做得够多了,已经做了很多。好的,我非常高兴。
1.But when I do come here, I regret that I have created so many problems for people. If I have a chance to come here periodically, maybe not so many problems. Many of them will develop because I have not anticipated. But then that’s life. Life of an architect.
2.Let’s say put me back in 25 years, in the ? of doing a building like this, OK, I did it! When the process completing, yes, I will be looking forward another experience. Some places else. Another part of the world. That’s what I did. I like to do buildings not in one place. My buildings are all over. I chose that because I enjoy that. I enjoy learning a new place. I learn I enjoy reading history about places. I learn I enjoy learning the culture, the tradition and the history of ?. That’s architecture to me. I’m not looking forward too much more for good reason. Don’t forget I’m 92 years old. I don’t think I should feel sad any more, because I think I can’t do better any more. You see, you have to somehow know that time is right to do things, time is right not to do any more. Somehow I come to the feeling that I shouldn’t do too much more. That is the sad part of it. While, good feeling is I have done enough, done a lot already. OK, I’m perfectly happy.


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