探索频道建筑设计纪录片《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第1-11季全100合集 原版 1080P高清

探索频道建筑设计纪录片《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第1-11季全100合集 原版 1080P高清 工程机械

建筑设计纪录片《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》让观众跟随富有想像力的彼特尼尔森,一起爬入高踞在树顶上的壮丽空间,欣赏他为崇尚自然的人士所设计的私人别墅。


《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第一季全8集(18.9G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第二季全7集(16.5G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第三季全11集(26.3G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第四季全10集(24.2G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第五季全9集(21.7G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第六季全9集(21.4G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第七季全8集(19.2G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第八季全6集(14.4G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第九季全10集(24.2G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第十季全11集(24.7G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版
《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第十一季全11集(29G) 英语外挂中字 1080P官方纯净版

皮特·尼尔森(Pete Nelson)和他的树屋人员组成了一个由设计师,木匠和建筑商组成的团队,他们创造了宏伟,异想天开,惊人,壮观和令人瞠目结舌的树屋。首先,树木决定了房子的设计。Nelson和他的团队来到你的房子里,四处走走,寻找树木的范围,看看一个结构在哪里可行。他们寻找能够长期存活的坚固而成熟的树木,如道格拉斯冷杉,西部红雪松,橡树和枫树。
探索频道建筑设计纪录片《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第1-11季全100合集 原版 1080P高清 工程机械
探索频道建筑设计纪录片《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第1-11季全100合集 原版 1080P高清 工程机械

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第一季全8集(18.9G)目录
Treehouse Masters S01E01 Twenty-ton Texas Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S01E02 Luck o the Irish Cottage
Treehouse Masters S01E03 Sky-high Spa
Treehouse Masters S01E04 Treetop Taphouse
Treehouse Masters S01E05 Spirit House Retreat
Treehouse Masters S01E06 Backyard Bungalow
Treehouse Masters S01E07 Canopy Clubhouse
Treehouse Masters S01E08 Love is in the Air

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第二季全7集(16.5G)目录
Treehouse Masters S02E01 Santa's Workshop
Treehouse Masters S02E02 Temple of Adventure
Treehouse Masters S02E03 Black Bear Bungalow
Treehouse Masters S02E04 Wild Butterfly Escape
Treehouse Masters S02E05 Sky-High Redwood Retreat
Treehouse Masters S02E06 Levitating Lighthouse
Treehouse Masters S02E07 Record High Recording Studio

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第三季全11集(26.3G)目录
Treehouse Masters S03E01 Mile-High Mancave
Treehouse Masters S03E02 African Safari Hut
Treehouse Masters S03E03 Bionic Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S03E04 Scottish Sky Garden
Treehouse Masters S03E05 Bird Nest
Treehouse Masters S03E06 Towering Treetop Teahouse
Treehouse Masters S03E07 Treehouse International
Treehouse Masters S03E08 Vincent Van Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S03E09 Canopy Island Camp
Treehouse Masters S03E10 View From Above II
Treehouse Masters S03E12 AJ's Wish Treehouse

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第四季全10集(24.2G)目录
Treehouse Masters S04E01 Treetop Candy Kitchen
Treehouse Masters S04E02 Coolest Treehouse Ever Built
Treehouse Masters S04E03 Meditating Maple
Treehouse Masters S04E04 Treehive Beehive
Treehouse Masters S04E05 International Germany
Treehouse Masters S04E06 Kentucky Climber's Cottage
Treehouse Masters S04E07 Lost in the Forest
Treehouse Masters S04E08 Sky High Pirate Hideout
Treehouse Masters S04E09 Triple-Decker Record Setter
Treehouse Masters S04E10 Ultimate Treehouse Giveaway

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第五季全9集(21.7G)目录
Treehouse Masters S05E01 Nelson Family Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S05E02 High Noon Saloon
Treehouse Masters S05E03 Mindbending Silver Maple
Treehouse Masters S05E04 International Brazil
Treehouse Masters S05E05 Twin Fix
Treehouse Masters S05E06 Sunrise Day Camp Clubhouse
Treehouse Masters S05E07 Magical Party Pad
Treehouse Masters S05E08 Workshop Edition
Treehouse Masters S05E09 Home Tree Home

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第六季全9集(21.4G)目录
Treehouse Masters S06E01 Merry Fishmas!
Treehouse Masters S06E02 Texas-Sized Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E03 Rustic English Re-tree-t
Treehouse Masters S06E04 Treehouse Z
Treehouse Masters S06E05 View From Above III
Treehouse Masters S06E06 Apres Skihouse Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E07 The Roderick Experience
Treehouse Masters S06E08 Camo Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E09 Magical Modern Treehouse

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第七季全8集(19.2G)目录
Treehouse Masters S06E01 Merry Fishmas!
Treehouse Masters S06E02 Texas-Sized Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E03 Rustic English Re-tree-t
Treehouse Masters S06E04 Treehouse Z
Treehouse Masters S06E05 View From Above III
Treehouse Masters S06E06 Apres Skihouse Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E07 The Roderick Experience
Treehouse Masters S06E08 Camo Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S06E09 Magical Modern Treehouse

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第八季全6集(14.4G)目录
Treehouse Masters S08E01 Appalachian Christmas House
Treehouse Masters S08E02 International Scandinavia
Treehouse Masters S08E03 Nature's Super HQ
Treehouse Masters S08E04 Glasshouse Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S08E05 The Owl Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S08E06 Surprise Makeover Edition

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第九季全10集(24.2G)目录
Treehouse Masters S09E01 A Treehouse Fit for a Viking
Treehouse Masters S09E02 Hill Country Hideout
Treehouse Masters S09E03 Glamorous Glamping Retreat
Treehouse Masters S09E04 Lost in the Forest II
Treehouse Masters S09E05 Thrill n Chill Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S09E06 Jeffersonian Honeymoon Suite
Treehouse Masters S09E07 The Bird Barn Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S09E08 City Sleeker Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S09E09 Grace's Got Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S09E10 Alaskan Mountain Treehouse

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》第十季全11集(24.7G)目录
Treehouse Masters S10E01 Double Treehouse Extravaganza
Treehouse Masters S10E02 Off-the-Grid Getaway
Treehouse Masters S10E03 Rusty Rooted River Shack
Treehouse Masters S10E04 The Alaskan Treetop Sauna
Treehouse Masters S10E05 Treehouse Utopia
Treehouse Masters S10E06 Treetop Medieval Fortress
Treehouse Masters S10E07 Mountainside Bulldog Bungalow
Treehouse Masters S10E08 International France
Treehouse Masters S10E09 Shaq Takes it to the Trees!
Treehouse Masters S10E101 Behind the Build Bird Barn
Treehouse Masters S10E102 Behind the Build Vanderwaal

《树屋大师 Treehouse Masters》目录第十一季全11集(29G)
Treehouse Masters S11E01 Hawaiian Treehouse Adventure
Treehouse Masters S11E02 Hot Tub Rumpus Room
Treehouse Masters S11E03 Never Too Old for a Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S11E04 Antonio Brown's Skybox
Treehouse Masters S11E05 Super Spy Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S11E06 View from Above IV
Treehouse Masters S11E07 Lifted Lodge Treehouse
Treehouse Masters S11E08 Semper Fi in the Sky
Treehouse Masters S11E09 A Treehouse Production
Treehouse Masters S11E10 Climb-In Drive-In
Treehouse Masters S11E11 Ultimate Treehouses VI

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