BBC纪录片《奥本海默的审判 The Trials of Oppenheimer》全1集 外挂中字 720P高清
纪录片《奥本海默的审判》核物理学家罗伯特·奥本海默(Robert Oppenheimer)一位有争议的原子弹之父,将对学者和前同事的采访与戏剧性的再现混合在一起。一位国家英雄,二战期间领导了制造原子弹的科学团队的杰出科学家。但是,在炸弹使战争结束后,尽管他的名声和巨大成就,美国还是背叛了他——羞辱了他,把他扔到一边。问的问题是,“为什么?
奥本海默是一位才华横溢的科学家,在第二次世界大战期间,害羞、傲慢、才华横溢的他以领导曼哈顿计划取得巨大成功而闻名,在研制原子弹后随着岁月的流逝,他也成长为一名科学政治家,随着他越来越强大,他开始在建制派中树敌,特别是杜鲁门总统的朋友J Robert Oppenheimer was one of the most celebrated scientists of his generation. Shy, arrogant and brilliant, he is best known as the man that led the Manhattan Project to spectacular success.As the years progressed he also grew into a scientific statesman, leading a government agency, the Atomic Energy Commission, which was trying to develop ways to avoid a nuclear arms race. His attempts at politics, though, were a lot less successful than his scientific endeavours. As he grew more powerful, he started to make serious enemies amongst the establishment, particularly a friend of President Truman's - Lewis Strauss.
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