存档纪录片 发表于 2022-11-30 17:32:56

历史频道《锻刀大赛 Forged in Fire》第1-9季全集 外挂中文字幕 1080P超清

历史频道《锻刀大赛 Forged in Fire》又名千锤百炼,在每一集中以世界级的刀匠相互竞争,创造出一些历史上最具标志性的刃具,美国最好的四位制刀匠将在一起,发挥他们的技艺和荣誉放在一起。无论他们是制作日本武士刀,中世纪阔剑,还是像古老中国的刀,他们锻造的武器都将是功能齐全且致命的艺术品和战争作品。在锻造过程中,将创造性地讲述,每种武器中包含的独特历史,最后武器评委专家会对小组进行评估和无情的测试。为每一件武器进行场景测试,这些爆炸撕裂的,一个接一个地刀匠将被淘汰,直到只剩下一个人被加冕为冠军。
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第一季全8集(12.8G) 外挂中字1080P官方纯净原版
Forged in Fire S01E01 Japanese Katana
Forged in Fire S01E02 Chakram
Forged in Fire S01E03 Viking Battle Axe
Forged in Fire S01E04 Katar
Forged in Fire S01E05 Crusader Sword
Forged in Fire S01E06 The Elizabethan Rapier
Forged in Fire S01E07 The Roman Gladius
Forged in Fire S01E08 The Moro Kris
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第二季全10集(16G)1080P官方纯净原版
Forged in Fire S02E01 The War Hammer
Forged in Fire S02E02 Khopesh
Forged in Fire S02E03 The Scottish Claymore
Forged in Fire S02E04 Spiked Shield
Forged in Fire S02E05 Viking Sword
Forged in Fire S02E06 Nepalese Kukri
Forged in Fire S02E07 The Shotel
Forged in Fire S02E08 The Cutlass
Forged in Fire S02E09 Khanda
Forged in Fire S02E10 Tabar
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第三季全16集(25.9G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净原版
Forged in Fire S03E01 Champions Edition
Forged in Fire S03E02 Fan Favorites
Forged in Fire S03E03 Butterfly Swords
Forged in Fire S03E04 The Falcata
Forged in Fire S03E05 Kora Sword
Forged in Fire S03E06 Hunga Munga
Forged in Fire S03E07 The Boar Spear
Forged in Fire S03E08 Xiphos Sword
Forged in Fire S03E09 The Pandat
Forged in Fire S03E10 Zulu Iklwa
Forged in Fire S03E11 The Pata
Forged in Fire S03E12 The Zweihander
Forged in Fire S03E13 Cavalry Saber
Forged in Fire S03E14 The Naginata
Forged in Fire S03E15 The Haladie
Forged in Fire S03E16 Redemption
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第四季全23集 外挂中字1080P官方纯净原版
Forged in Fire S04E01 Judges Pick
Forged in Fire S04E02 Deer Horn Knives
Forged in Fire S04E03 The Katzbalger
Forged in Fire S04E04 Makraka
Forged in Fire S04E05 Fans Choice
Forged in Fire S04E06 Akrafena
Forged in Fire S04E07 Talwar
Forged in Fire S04E08 The Cinquedea
Forged in Fire S04E09 The Charay
Forged in Fire S04E10 Sword Breaker Redemption
Forged in Fire S04E11 Master and Apprentice
Forged in Fire S04E12 Ngombe Ngulu
Forged in Fire S04E13 The Shamshir
Forged in Fire S04E14 The Kachin Dao
Forged in Fire S04E15 The Gladiator Scissor
Forged in Fire S04E16 The Kampilan
Forged in Fire S04E17 The Kpinga
Forged in Fire S04E18 The Yatagan
Forged in Fire S04E19 International Championship
Forged in Fire S04E20 The Tabar-Shishpar
Forged in Fire S04E21 Ultimate Champions Edition
Forged in Fire S04E22 Knights Templar
Forged in Fire S04E23 Viking Edition
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第五季全39集(81.4G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净原版Forged in Fire S05E01 Ring Hilted Sword
Forged in Fire S05E02 Rookies Edition
Forged in Fire S05E03 The Schiavona
Forged in Fire S05E04 Sica Sword
Forged in Fire S05E05 Jumonji Yari
Forged in Fire S05E06 The Kabyle Flyssa
Forged in Fire S05E07 Ultimate Team Challenge
Forged in Fire S05E08 Karabela
Forged in Fire S05E09 The Zande Spear
Forged in Fire S05E10 The Navaja
Forged in Fire S05E11 The German Halberd
Forged in Fire S05E12 The Two-Handed Sword
Forged in Fire S05E13 The Naval Cutlass
Forged in Fire S05E14 The Horseman s Axe
Forged in Fire S05E15 The Lion Spear
Forged in Fire S05E16 The Kelewang
Forged in Fire S05E17 Bagh Nakh Blades
Forged in Fire S05E18 The Glaive Guisarme
Forged in Fire S05E19 Pioneer Sword
Forged in Fire S05E20 Wind and Fire Wheels
Forged in Fire S05E21 The Smallsword
Forged in Fire S05E22 The Anthropomorphic Sword
Forged in Fire S05E23 The Kilij
Forged in Fire S05E24 The Sawback Hunting Sword
Forged in Fire S05E25 The Arming Sword
Forged in Fire S05E26 The Sengese
Forged in Fire S05E27 The Qinglong Ji
Forged in Fire S05E28 Hollywood Edition
Forged in Fire S05E29 The Steel Crossbow
Forged in Fire S05E30 The Landsknecht Sword
Forged in Fire S05E31 Tournament Round 1
Forged in Fire S05E32 Tournament Round 2
Forged in Fire S05E33 Tournament Round 3
Forged in Fire S05E34 Tournament Round 4
Forged in Fire S05E35 Tournament Finals
Forged in Fire S05E36 The Grim Reaper s Scythe
Forged in Fire S05E37 The Steel Takedown Bow
Forged in Fire S05E38 The Bardiche
Forged in Fire S05E39 The Pipe Tomahawks
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第六季全30集(55.7G)外挂中字 1080P官方纯净原版Forged in Fire S06E01 Long Road to Redemption Part 1
Forged in Fire S06E02 Long Road to Redemption Part 2
Forged in Fire S06E03 Washington s Colichemarde
Forged in Fire S06E04 The O-Katana
Forged in Fire S06E05 The Hussar Saber
Forged in Fire S06E06 Barbarian Sword
Forged in Fire S06E07 The Javanese Kris
Forged in Fire S06E08 General Yamashita s Gunto
Forged in Fire S06E09 The Greek Kopis
Forged in Fire S06E10 Branch Battle Army
Forged in Fire S06E11 Branch Battle Air Force
Forged in Fire S06E12 Branch Battle Marines
Forged in Fire S06E13 Branch Battle Navy
Forged in Fire S06E14 Branch Battle Finals
Forged in Fire S06E15 The Nagamaki
Forged in Fire S06E16 Attila s Sword of Mars
Forged in Fire S06E17 The Partizan
Forged in Fire S06E18 The Messer Sword
Forged in Fire S06E19 The Ram Dao
Forged in Fire S06E20 The Foot Artillery Sword
Forged in Fire S06E21 Astronaut Knife
Forged in Fire S06E22 The Lochaber Axe
Forged in Fire S06E23 The Cane Sword
Forged in Fire S06E24 The Boar Sword
Forged in Fire S06E25 The Falchion
Forged in Fire S06E26 Napoleon s Saber
Forged in Fire S06E27 The Bhuj
Forged in Fire S06E28 Blackbeard s Cutlass
Forged in Fire S06E29 Kung Fu Edition
Forged in Fire S06E30 Genghis Khan s Sword
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第七季全37集 (77.4G) 外挂中字 1080P官方纯净原版
Forged in Fire S07E01 Sword of Perseus
Forged in Fire S07E02 General Patton s Saber
Forged in Fire S07E03 The Jian Sword
Forged in Fire S07E04 The Rock-Throwing Crossbow
Forged in Fire S07E05 Halloween Edition
Forged in Fire S07E06 The Boa-Zande Sword
Forged in Fire S07E07 The Musketeer Rapier
Forged in Fire S07E08 The Tizona of EI Cid
Forged in Fire S07E09 Military Tribute
Forged in Fire S07E10 Revolutionary War Spontoon
Forged in Fire S07E11 The Barbarian Spatha
Forged in Fire S07E12 Family Edition
Forged in Fire S07E13 Frankish Throwing Axes
Forged in Fire S07E14 A Very Forged Christmas
Forged in Fire S07E15 The Chinese War Sword
Forged in Fire S07E16 The Sword in the Stone
Forged in Fire S07E17 Charlemagne s Sword
Forged in Fire S07E18 The Spanish Conquistador Sword
Forged in Fire S07E19 The Pira
Forged in Fire S07E20 French Pioneer Sword
Forged in Fire S07E21 Darb Sri Gun Chai Battle Sword
Forged in Fire S07E22 Zulu War Axe
Forged in Fire S07E23 The Chinese Zhanmadao
Forged in Fire S07E24 The German Dussage
Forged in Fire S07E25 First Responders Edition
Forged in Fire S07E26 Game of Forge
Forged in Fire S07E27 The lkakalaka
Forged in Fire S07E28 Samurai Showdown
Forged in Fire S07E29 Baby Boomer vs Gen Z
Forged in Fire S07E30 The Nimcha
Forged in Fire S07E31 Titanium Smackdown
Forged in Fire S07E32 Tomahawk and Bowie
Forged in Fire S07E33 Japanese Ono
Forged in Fire S07E34 Super Champion Edition
Forged in Fire S07E35 The Boateng Saber
Forged in Fire S07E36 Summer Forging Games Part 1
Forged in Fire S07E37 Summer Forging Games Part 2
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第八季全45集 外挂中字 720P官方纯净原版锻刀大赛 S08E01 美国鹰头军刀(Veteran's Knife Specia)锻刀大赛 S08E02 古印度金刚杵(The Deadly Vajra Mushti)锻刀大赛 S08E03 传奇的萨拉丁剑(The Legendary Sword of Saladin)锻刀大赛 S08E04 斯普林菲尔德M1905刺刀锻刀大赛 S08E05 威廉·华莱士巨剑(The Giant Sword of William Wallace)锻刀大赛 S08E06 锻刀大赛的圣诞节(Forged in Fire Christmas)锻刀大赛 S08E07 巨型鲔包丁(The Massive Maguro Bocho)锻刀大赛 S08E07(07特别版) 评委主场锻造赛(Judges' Home Forge Battle)锻刀大赛 S08E08 特加锯齿剑(Teeth of the Tegha)锻刀大赛 S08E09 猎头族斧头(Headhunter's Revenge)锻刀大赛 S8E10 俄罗斯特种部队工兵铲(Russian Special Forces Spetsnaz)锻刀大赛 S8E11 亚马逊弯刀(Machete of the Amazons)锻刀大赛 S8E12 三枚之谜(San Mai Mystery)锻刀大赛 S08E13 锻刀复活赛 Part 1(Second Chance Tournament Part 1)锻刀大赛 S08E14 锻刀复活赛 Part 2(Second Chance Tournament Part 2)锻刀大赛 S08E15 锻刀复活赛 决赛(Second Chance Tournament: Finals)锻刀大赛 S08E16 记忆赛(Memory Game)锻刀大赛 S08E17 WWE特辑(WWE Edition)锻刀大赛 S08E18 极寒锻造(Arctic Forge)锻刀大赛 S08E19 内战(Civil War Battle)锻刀大赛 S08E20 赌场挑战赛(Casino Challenge)锻刀大赛 S08E21 致命二重奏(Deadly Duo)锻刀大赛 S08E22 火与水(Fire and Water)锻刀大赛 S08E23 大锤决战(Sledgehammer Showdown)锻刀大赛 S08E24 中世纪 神秘之剑 (Medieval Mystery Sword)锻刀大赛 S08E25 选择你的毒药 (Pick Your Poison)锻刀大赛 S08E26 惊慄锻造厂(Forge of Fear)锻刀大赛 S08E27 图阿雷格 塔科巴剑(Forge of Fear)锻刀大赛 S08E28 充满神秘感的桶 (Barrel Full of Mystery)锻刀大赛 S08E29 武装部队锦标赛 Part 1(Armed Forces Tournament Part 1)锻刀大赛 S08E30 武装部队锦标赛 Part 2(Armed Forces Tournament Part 2)锻刀大赛 S08E31 武装部队锦标赛决赛(Armed Forces Tournament Finale)锻刀大赛 S08E32 评委接管_道格·马塞达(Judges Takeover_Doug Marcaida)锻刀大赛 S08E33 年轻人挑战赛(Young Guns Challenge)锻刀大赛 S08E34 评委接管:Ben Abbott(Judges Takeover: Ben Abbott)锻刀大赛 S08E35 黑暗面(The Dark Side)锻刀大赛 S08E36 评委接管:J.尼尔森(Judges Takeover: J Neilson)锻刀大赛 S08E37 500层大马士革(Damascus 500)【生肉】
锻刀大赛 S8E38 评委接管戴夫·贝克(Judges Takeover Dave Baker)
锻刀大赛 S8E39 菲兰吉剑(The Firangi Sword)
锻刀大赛 S8E40 第200集 粉丝的选择(200th Episode Fan's Choice)
锻刀大赛 S8E41 挑战大力本:第一轮(Beat the Unbeaten: Round One)
锻刀大赛 S8E42 挑战大力本:废钢挑战(Beat the Unbeaten: Scrap Steel Challenge)
锻刀大赛 S8E43 挑战大力本断刃复仇(Beat the Unbeaten Broken Blade Revenge)
锻刀大赛 S8E44 挑战大力本_史密斯复仇者(Beat the Unbeaten Back for Revenge)
锻刀大赛 S8E45 挑战大力本_最后的对决(Beat the Unbeaten he Final Showdown)
《锻刀大赛Forged in Fire》第九季 1080P/720P 英语英字更新至S9 E26于2022年11月2日播出在我们称之为“超级化”的四集活动的最后一集中,四位铁匠面临着巨大的挑战
**** Hidden Message *****
**** Hidden Message *****相关推荐:锻刀大赛国际版纪录片《锻造之火》全12集 原版无字 1080P超清纪录片《锻刀大赛 利刃争霸 Forged In Fire: Knife Or Death》全2季 中文字幕 1080P
纪录片《锻刀大赛 击败评委Forged in Fire: Beat the Judges》第1季 中文字幕 720P

小苹果 发表于 2022-12-10 19:16:45


hhwhhw2000 发表于 2022-12-29 20:39:37


yaoxinch 发表于 2022-12-30 10:30:32


godofway 发表于 2023-1-1 21:45:58


半天宅猫 发表于 2023-1-4 16:56:35


hy6180129 发表于 2023-1-17 18:15:12


uncledian 发表于 2023-1-24 16:39:07


Ningbo411 发表于 2023-1-28 12:51:00


该隐之子 发表于 2023-2-5 10:12:34

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查看完整版本: 历史频道《锻刀大赛 Forged in Fire》第1-9季全集 外挂中文字幕 1080P超清